Do you dare to show your true colours? With this beautiful round charm Reva you add colour to your jewellery. Green stands for Balance & Harmony. 'CUS you are one of a kind.
Charm Reva Bottle | Balance & Harmony
CUS-Boutique | Middelburg
Klarinetweg 20
4337 RA Middelburg
Ordered before 12pm on weekdays, shipped the same day.
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Meaning of the color green
Color green meaning
Everyone needs balance and harmony in their life to function properly. But do you know someone who is going through a difficult time and has lost their balance in life? Then read on about the meaning of the color green and discover what this color can mean to someone. Did you know, for example, that green is the most relaxing color for the human eye? Green has a calming effect on body and mind. This physical calming power naturally influences the color green. If you are not feeling well, it can be wonderful to take a long walk in the woods, for the peaceful environment, but also for the color green! The color green meaning also stands for hope, renewal and peace. When balance and harmony return to your life or the life of a loved one, it gives hope! Moreover, the color green meaning also stands for growth and safety; just think of the traffic lights that indicate that you can safely drive through or cross when green. With green as a safe color and red that radiates danger and along yellow and orange that indicate the intermediate gradations, the color green meaning is of course very important because of the emotional relationship with safety.
Green necklace and other jewelry
Now that you have read a bit more about the meaning of the color green, and you have understood what the color green means, you are probably eager to discover the CUS® collection of green jewelry such as a CUS® Green necklace with balls. This green charm in a round shape is made of stainless steel and enamel. By using stainless steel you can be sure that you will not have any allergic reactions and that the color of the charm will not change. This beautiful charm comes with a so-called clicker, an eye that you can open and close by hand. This allows you to wear the charm on a CUS® bracelet or on a CUS® necklace in one simple movement for a beautiful green necklace. Combine this charm with other charms from the CUS® collection that also represent hope, such as the white charm, the CUS® charm star or the CUS® charm rainbow so that your green jewelry will have even more meaning! The CUS® Yin Yang charm also fits perfectly with this green charm because this sign also has everything to do with balance and harmony!
CUS® for me and for you
With this beautiful green charm in round shape and the knowledge about the meaning of the color green, you have all the ingredients for an elegant, meaningful gift! The CUS® jewelry is all delivered in a luxurious CUS® jewelry bag, which makes your jewelry immediately look like a beautiful gift!
Dimensions: 12mm. bottle 5x2.5 cm
Material: Stainless steel, Stainless steel, ,